3-Card Spread
October 14, 2024

Hello Renee,
Thank you for reaching out to me and allowing me to provide you with a 3-Card Chakra Alignment Reading. In this reading you will find that each chakra is accompanied with a message from a corresponding point-of-view, the PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE. As your reader, I have gathered the messages and applied my mediumship to decipher each card for you. Hopefully you will find these messages will serve as a useful healing tool. If you have any questions let me know. NOTE: This link is private and unless you share it no one will know it is here.

Card 1: PAST / Truth

When the Throat chakra Truth card appears in the PAST position it is interpreted as a reminder that there will always be a need to communicate with others in a manner that can be received and understood.  When the Throat chakra is healthy and in balance, it is easier to express one’s own truth more clearly. Having an open Throat chakra is what permits us to become better listeners. In turn, this chakra aids in your ability to maintain your own truth. A healthy Throat chakra also teaches us how to express our soul’s purpose, and this can leads us to finding our own powerful voice.  When you pull the Truth card in this position, it is a reminder from the higher powers of our Universe that truth pulses through you.  And even though there is truth in each moment, the challenge remains for you to unravel the truth you seek so that you can understand what the truth of this matter means to you.

Since I am not aware of the answers you were seeking, I can only offer comments about messages I have received which point towards encouraging you to connect and become aware of your truth in a particular situation. Hopefully you know what this situation is more specifically. In this sense the cards reveal that now is the time to trust and believe in yourself and to connect, follow and express the truth that resonates deeply in your heart.  Your past is the past, but it does affect the present and your future as you will discover in the subsequent card readings. I do ask that as you read my comments to keep in mind that everyone has their own perception of the truth, their own personal understanding, and it is not always going to be the same as yours. So bear in mind that you are being guided to listen to the truth of your soul because now is the perfect time to truly believe and take action on this truth.

So, if you have been feeling confused, that is understandable because you have been taking on someone else’s point of view or their personal truth regarding this situation. Now it is time for you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and reflect on the truth of the matter to gain clarity.  What this means is that you must take responsibility to reassess their view so you can find the truth that resonates for you. 

This card is also reminder that it is time to consider the importance and need for letting go of negative energies from that past that do not serve you. As you learn how to master this skill you will discover you will then be able to move forward and your healing will become apparent. Though learning how to release what does not serve you takes some practice you will accomplish this goal when you are ready. More importantly, it is imperative that you master this skill because this is the key to healing. 

Perhaps you heard this saying before, ‘The truth will set you free.’ Your guides remind you to be proactive in your healing and choosing to release and share your truth is the process that can help you remove any associated pain/anger/fear. Once this happens you will feel lighter and a deeper sense of peace will replace the negative energy that was once stored and that is released.  Again, learning how to release is what will cleanse your Throat chakra (in fact all chakras) and this process is greatly needed in order for the luminous light wheels of this chakra to be clear functioning. 

This card also reflects your ability or inability to communicate effectively. You drew this card because you are being asked to give thought to why you have been holding back the truth from someone or simply just holding on and not letting go. Perhaps it is to avoid hurting someone’s feelings? Whatever the reason is, holding on to negative energy is causing a blockage of this chakra and it needs to be released before you can heal. The advice that is being offered is to allow yourself to open up and be honest with yourself and with this person and to find a way to express your truth in a calm and loving way. If you share from your heart and honor how you feel you can avoid being swayed by how the other person receives your truth or how they react. More importantly, know that you are being supported at this time by the powers that be so you can shine more truth into your own life and set your heart free. Once your throat chakra is in balance you will find ease and grace in speaking your higher or divine truth without fear. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul to clear your Throat chakra. Affirmation: I live and listen to my truth in each moment.         

Card 2: PRESENT – Family. Root Chakra 

You have pulled this card into your awareness today to let you know the energy of your ancestors is surrounding you. Now is a powerful time for healing family wounds and dissolving any ancestral karma. For thousands of years it has been understood that we carry through our bloodlines old patterns and karma from those family members who walked before us. Just like some physical issues can be handed down the family line, so can emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. There is a big chance that any challenges you are going through at this time could be connected in some way to family karma. 

Family is an integral part of life. We are born into these little tribes for a reason. We learn big lessons of unconditional love through the interactions and challenges with family. This card can also indicate that you may have been experiencing a conflict within the family unit and it is now time for resolution. This card could also be a sign that a family member who has passed is with you guiding and supporting you from the other side. Pulling a Root chakra card in this position confirms your desire to embrace your own free will to heal. 

Be mindful that as a family member yourself, you play a critical role in helping others perceive the value of one’s personal strength, confidence, and courage.  For it is by example that you have and are demonstrating the possibilities of how to navigate through life with a strong sense of being.  Either knowingly or unknowingly, your family does benefit from the threads you create.

May you be reminded that having the ability to ground and clear negativity from the Root chakra is imperative if you desire having a well balanced chakra system. Accept this reading as encouragement from your guides who want you to take a moment to tune in and not only think about them, but ask them directly where the patterns or challenges you face are coming from if you are unable to recognize them.  Take time to quiet the mind, be still and listen. Once you are able to identify the root of the issue you can light a candle and engage in a conversation in your mind with your ancestor/spirit guide who wants to help you heal.

The purpose of this kind of meditation is to grant yourself the power to envision that you yourself can hand back the issue to your guide. This form of release is imperative in healing and can be achieved with practice. Simply ask to place this energy into his/her heart where it transmutes into something positive and then ask that it is handed back to you. Take this positive energy and place it in your heart for healing. As you allow this energy to release you from this karmic path you will receive the love, wisdom and guidance to heal. It is my belief that these messages are offered for your personal growth.  And, if applied properly, they will be useful in helping you prepare to receive guidance from your ancestors/guides. 

Always be mindful in knowing that aligning your powers so they are in tune with self mastery takes time and practice.  Let this card remind you of your ability to connect to your ancestors/spirit guides and set time aside to connect through a grounding process/exercise.

When was the last time you hugged a tree?  There is tremendous energy in trees and I encourage you to take a moment to sit in nature with your favorite tree and open yourself to hear the whispers of wisdom from your ancestors, the ones who walked this path before you. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and clear your Root chakra. Affirmation: I am at peace and at one with my family.

Card 3: FUTURE – Forgiveness. Heart Chakra
You attracted this card into your life today because it is a powerful time of forgiveness. It is within the Heart chakra where we hold and nurture the inner child, and from here we learn to live in compassion and with acceptance. When our Heart chakra is in balance and it is open, it is much easier to make decisions from a place of divine wisdom and we feel safe to express love in a healthy way. This positive flow of energy and luminous light allows us to communicate more freely in a more loving space where we can find ourselves with less judgment and attachment. When one’s Heart chakra is in balance it is easier to experience a deeper level of intimacy in one’s life. And, it is also through the Heart chakra that we are able to experience deep gratitude for life and to express our joy and happiness freely.

When there is an imbalance in the Heart chakra the result of not being able to see the good in others is apparent. This understanding is important because unless you have a deep sense of inner peace it can be challenging to let go of past hurts, you can also easily struggle with not being able to forgive yourself and others.  This card serves as a reminder that when we hold onto grudges and wounds from the past we can create imbalance and disharmony in our life. Turning away the kind of negative energy that can dim our light and cause resentment, anger, frustration, sickness and depression, like rotting fruit creating a disease inside us requires attention.  To heal, you must release the negative energy that is blocking the Heart chakra by applying the words of wisdom from your guides to your intention to create positive healing energy of forgiveness.

May this card serve as a reminder that true forgiveness starts with you. If you can set some time aside over the next few days to ask yourself, What am I holding onto? What requires love, attention and forgiveness? These answers will help you identify the issue and in turn can help make it easier to surrender or expand your awareness to a place that allows for true forgiveness to occur. Once you can truly forgive and let go you can set yourself free from those stale energies and beliefs that are blocking your heart chakra. Trust me, I know it is not easy but it  really does go without saying that learning how to release and let go of what does not serve you is the key to healing, and in turn, you will  feel so much lighter and happier in your world. 

I hope you will find this card reading useful.  If you asked a question about a situation or person, know that this reading can be a sign for you that forgiveness is required to move forward. If you have already been working on forgiving then this reading may reflect the progress you are making and should serve to remind you to continue doing what you are doing. As you allow your inner spirit to remain open you will be able to tap into that  inner peace where forgiveness exists.  Once you embrace believing that love, understanding, compassion and courage is what you need to let go of negative forces you will become successful at forgiving at a much deeper level and you will then be able to dance in the energy of freedom.  Take a deep breath. Everything will work itself out when you decide to make peace in your heart.  Accept this as a truth, and know that your ancestors are available to you and you can draw upon them at any time. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and clear your Heart chakra.
Affirmation: My heart is full of unconditional love and I forgive freely.