GLO 1024
Gloria Lopez
7-card chakra reading
October 14, 2024

Hola Gloria,
Thank you for reaching out to me and allowing me to provide you with a 7-Card Chakra Alignment Reading. In this reading you will find that each chakra is accompanied with a message from a corresponding chakra to offer a more insightful interpretation.  As your reader, I have interpreted and gathered messages using my mediumship to relay the messages that are intended for your healing benefit. Hopefully you will find these messages will serve as a useful healing tool. If you have any questions let me know.

YOUR 7-card Distance Chakra Reading

Before I begin, I want to comment with a quick read on two specific cards. These cards are from the Sacral chakra and they appear in the Root chakra #1 position and the Sacral chakra #2 position.  The Root chakra is the first healing zone on the luminous wheel of light that brings in and permits the release of energy throughout the chakra system. It is located adjacent to the Sacral (second) chakra and governs the need to be loved and accepted which helps us understand the value of interconnectedness between the Root and the Sacral chakras. 

ROOT CHAKRA – Card 1: Inspiration

The Root Chakra is located in the base of your spine and it represents our primary needs as human beings. Our primal instincts, stability and security sit in this energy center.  Since the Root chakra is located in the first position of your luminous body, it is critical that this chakra be unblocked so that all the other chakras can receive light at their fullest potential. When a Sacral Chakra card appears in the Root position it is because you are being reminded of the need to get inspired so that your Root Chakra can remain open.  But first, you must remember that grounding to the earth is a vital aspect in receiving the support and energy we need to feel safe and live a life of abundance. 

In this reading you are asked to think about what inspires you and makes your soul shine.  Your spirit guides are reminding you to be kinder to your spirit by granting yourself more time to surround yourself with inspiring people, books, experiences, and anything that infuses you with inspiration. This process will help you ground and this is important, especially if you have been feeling bored and stale because your inner child is begging for self love.  Take your spirit guide’s encouragement to do more of what you love and to do things that especially bring you creative inspiration and joy.  If you are struggling with not believing you have enough time to do this activity you are wrong!  It is imperative at this time that you are more kind and loving to yourself.  Sure, the time you invest in taking care of everyone else is important but it is not as important as taking time to feed your mind/body/soul with the kind of inspiration that can bring motivation, joy and happiness into your being.

The more energy you invest in raising a higher vibration the more benefits you will receive. Especially when your creative state of being becomes infectious and inspires others.  You are being reminded by your  guides to engage frequently with Mother Nature by walking in nature, hugging trees, planting and talking to the plants.  Your inner spirit also thanks you for honoring and expressing gratitude to the 4 cardinal directions and elements in nature.  Everything you are doing you must continue because the ritual of meditating, lighting sage and burning a candle to connect to the cosmos is what brings you the kind of light and love that helps balance your Root Chakra.  And don’t forget the spirit animals of the 4 directions are available to you at all times.  Call upon the great serpent, jaguar, hummingbird to guide you and ask them to help you see, find, feel and share what inspires you so you can more easily express your passion into your world. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul to help you maintain an open Root chakra. Affirmation: “Inspiration is constantly flowing through me at all times and I am inspired.”

SACRAL CHAKRA – Card 2: Relationships 

The Sacral Chakra is located around the lower abdomen. It represents our connections and relationships to our loved ones and the need to be loved and accepted.  It also represents how we choose to express ourselves through creativity and passion.  Having attracted the Relationship Sacral Chakra card into your awareness is because this is the perfect time in your life to deepen your understanding of the role relationships play in bringing peace, or upsetting and blocking the balance in this chakra zone.

Messages from your guides are more about creating an awareness and understanding that even though your world is connected through your relationships, this does not mean relationships are necessarily only about another person.  In other words, relationships can reflect the inner relationship you have with yourself, your partner, your family, friends, pets, creative projects, your home and your community.  What is most critical to understand about your relationships is being able to recognize one or more is requiring more love and/or attention at this time.  When you are able to properly identify which one may be the cause of what is blocking your Sacral Chakra, you will then be able to accept the need for letting go of what does not serve you and this in turn will help clear the imbalance.  But letting go is not always an easy task if you are too grounded in your beliefs, and this is another message for you today.   Your spirit guides have warned you with messages from the 1st position of your Root Chakra where you were asked to consider if you are grounding too seriously and not being kind and loving to yourself. 

To heal this imbalance in the Sacral Chakra you must set time aside to evaluate which relationship may be requiring more love and attention and which one or one(s) are no longer necessary to sustain.  Your Sacral Chakra (like all chakras) must be open and cleansed to perform at its optimum capacity.  By being honest with yourself you will be able to remove blocked energy and release the negative vibrations that are interfering in creating an obstruction.  Your guides are reminding you to accept your ability to affect positive change…are you willing to listen and apply their recommendations?

Your healing journey is on the right path and this is because you have already discovered the benefit of honoring your relationship with your Creator.  Yes, each time you engage in the process of creating a sacred space for healing you attract light from the cosmos and this practice is also what is helping you to connect with your guides. So – If you are feeling stuck, is it because you might be too grounded in your beliefs? Again, this is exactly what you are being asked to consider and it will be imperative to recognize how so this is true if you desire mastering the goal of releasing unwanted energies to help balance, cleanse and clear away energies that are in the way of your healing process.  Keep in mind that the Root Chakra sits adjacent to the Sacral Chakra and if the Root Chakra is out of balance it will require clearing both chakras for the light betwee​n them to flow with ease. Clearing and balancing your chakra system begins with the Root Chakra.

Relationships (including those that exist between the chakras themselves) do have ways of teaching us how to look more deeply and honestly at one’s self.  If establishing healthy boundaries is what is needed then you must remember to be gentle, kind and loving with your spirit.  This perhaps is why your guides encourage you to reflect upon applying positive behavior by treating yourself respectfully with love and forgiveness.  When you can do this your luminous light body will thank you and it will shine and you will feel the benefits of clearing, cleansing and maintaining open chakras by releasing any associated negative energy.

Focusing on the need to accept and love every aspect of yourself is the principle message in this reading.  Take time to practice setting your spirit free from judgment and limitation and you will discover the benefits of attracting the kind of solid, fulfilling relationships that you desire.  Take a deep breath and remind yourself of the need to be patient in allowing love and time to heal all wounds. Give your heart permission to become a magnet at attracting what you desire.  Bottom line, be more  loving to yourself.  Be honest – Are you truly being a good friend to yourself?  Your guides are always nearby and they are hopeful that you will give thought to being your new best friend. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul to help you maintain an open Sacral Chakra. Affirmation, “My relationships are aligned with my highest good and my soul’s purpose.”

SOLAR PLEXUS – Card 3: Universal Light
In addition to the description offered above for the Solar Plexus Chakra, it is important to remember that this chakra mirrors how we express ourselves outwardly. Hence, this is why you are being reminded that your light does shine on and it is an inspiration to others. Furthermore, you must remember that you have the tools and ability to conquer anything that comes your way.  So whether it is emotional, physical, mental, or a spiritual challenge you must believe in yourself and your ability to make decisions that will give you courage and strength to overcome life challenges.

The corresponding card you have drawn Universal Light brings messages from the Soul Star Chakra that is located six inches above the Crown Chakra.  When a Crown Chakra card appears in a reading it serves as an important reminder that everyone is a part of a Universe that has magnificent power and energy that is available to them at all times.  Your guides invite you to accept the ancient wisdom that comes with the messages from the Soul Star Chakra.  In doing so you are permitting yourself to connect, acknowledge and call upon the incredible strength that lies within you to experience the benefits of Universal Life Force energy. 

But before you can truly experience acceptance and gratitude for yourself, family, and all that Life has to offer, you must work at balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra and other chakras.  Are you strong enough and courageous enough to do what is needed to overcome difficult times? Your guides believe this to be true which is the reason why they bring to your attention that you have some powerful life lessons to learn. The first lesson is to tackle the challenge of letting go of some old beliefs that are weakening your inner strength so you can tap into your creative passion and zest for life that will in turn awaken the Universal light within you. 

Continue with your meditation practices and attend spiritual awakening events or workshops whenever time permits.  Seek masters who can teach you more powerful breathing exercises and who can help you deepen your connection to the Universal light of the cosmos.  Your commitments and practices are proven vital steps in cleansing, clearing and maintaining open chakras.  The more you practice the easier it is to keep your luminous light wheels spinning. 

Another important lesson is to remember the Universe does not judge and no matter what you have or haven’t done in your life — you are the light.  Believe in your guides and know that at the deepest level, the Universe also understands YOU.  Yes, you are an amazing powerful being and now it is time to believe in your light!  When you fully embrace the fact that YOU are light, you are expressing and living with the acceptance of your purest essence!

May the messages contained in this card reading serve as a reminder that as you transit through this very powerful and important time of change in your life, you must be very gentle with your spirit, believe in the truth of your essence and be kind to yourself.

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul to help you maintain an open Solar Plexus Chakra.  Affirmation: I am a divine channel of Universal light.

HEART CHAKRA – Card 4: Play

The Heart Chakra is located at the heart centre in your body. It encompasses all matters relating to the heart and radiates divine love out into the world.  The energy of this chakra focuses on expressing unconditioed love of the self and others.  Within our heart is where we nurture our inner child and learn how to live with compassion and with acceptance.  You have pulled the PLAY card today as a reminder to bring more play into your world. And this card is especially important when you feel like Life is getting you down. 

It is believed that having feelings that come with the worry of one’s day-to-day commitments is generally what brings a mountain of unnecessary stress. Hence, the message you are receiving is to take time to play and feel joy because this is a very effective way to release tension and worries. This card also carries messages that are intended to remind you that your soul wants/needs/desires to be bathed in the spirit of your playfulness.  As you give thought to how this can be achieved consider the role that laughter, dance, music and anything that makes your heart sing can promote positive healing vibrations. 

Let this card reading serve as a reminder from your spirit guides that it is a natural state to play and have fun. Slow down and take time out from your busy schedule to entertain, permitting yourself to connect with a more joyful aspect of YOU.  By applying the pure essence of play you will receive numerous healing benefits.  Which is why the time to embrace your inner child and give yourself the gift of play is now, and your luminous body will thank you.

Yes, playfulness is a powerful medicine for the soul and it can bring about a deep release to heal stale energies and worries. Play also helps bring about a deep connection to the joy of the cosmos. By permitting the energy of play to cleanse your mind, body and spirit the easier it will be for you to feel the joy of the cosmos flowing through your soul and into your world.

To cleanse and balance the Heart Chakra I recommend sitting or lying comfortably in a location where you are free from distractions.  Place a rose quartz crystal in your hand or on your Heart Chakra. Take several breaths to center and ground your thoughts. Allow the energy you receive to support your process. As you place your hands on your heart, visualize a beautiful ray of green light flowing into your Heart Chakra. Take this divine energy and allow the light to penetrate the inner chambers of your mind/body/soul as it washes away hurts and fears. Imagine blockages dissolving and feel the light opening your heart to love, compassion and gratitude.

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and to help you maintain an open Heart chakra. Affirmation: I play joyfully in the magic of the Universe and I am free to be me.

THROAT – Card: Meditation
The Throat Chakra is located at the centre of the throat and it holds the key to speaking one’s higher or divine truth, clearly with ease and grace. This chakra teaches us the value of being able to communicate effectively with others so that our voice is powerful, well received and understood. Since this chakra governs communication it is also about listening and you are being reminded of the need to listen with an open heart and without judgment. So keep in mind that you are more capable of expressing truth more clearly, including having the ability to listen to others effectively and even being able to maintain your own truth when this chakra is balanced. Furthermore, the Meditation card you have drawn into your reading brings messages about the benefits of healing through meditation, relaxation, expanding self-awareness, and more which in turn can help you realign and balance yourself.

Drawing the Meditation card from the wisdom of the Crown Chakra is of no surprise to me because your spirit guides have revealed that you possess the ability to express creativity (as stated throughout the messages contained within this entire reading) which makes it easier for others to see the true shining light that you are. What becomes critical is listening and applying your message to help balance your chakras. When these tasks are achieved you will then be able to more fully exercise expressing your powerful voice and this in turn will lead you to expressing your soul’s purpose.  

Your spirit guides are asking you to reflect upon whether or not you are holding back some or maybe even all your words in order to prevent hurting someone’s feelings. Be courageous and trust that you have the strength to speak the truth with grace and love. Have no fear of rejection and avoid creating conflict by trusting your decisions to release and let go of what does not serve you. Just be mindful because fear and doubt can hinder or manipulate the flow in communication, and this interference typically blocks the Throat Chakra and can create a world of suppression and confusion. 

When you hold onto negative, unexpressed thoughts and feelings this typically leads to pain, confusion, and unhealthy patterns.  Your guides remind you to slow down before responding  or reacting by taking a deep breath and remaining mindful by speaking from the heart with a spirit of love. Maintaining a balanced Throat Chakra requires that you dissolve fears associated with any truth that interferes with your ability to express your voice from a deeper place of truth and integrity.  One way to do this is by opening, cleansing and clearing your chakras with meditation.  Meditation allows the mind to be still and it permits us to connect directly with our soul and higher self.  Your guides are reminding you not to get caught up in your head worrying and stressing but to find time to make meditation a priority in your life.  

Another great option is to work with reciting mantras or sounds and continue to play indigenous musical instruments that feed the mind/body/soul. A primary goal is to cleanse and clear blockages from the Throat Chakra by finding what works for you so you can sit in stillness with enough time to allow messages to download. In turn, this practice will bring the opportunity to receive and you will have more time to listen clearly with an open heart.

If you would like to try some healing and clearing practices on your Throat Chakra I recommend taking a few great crystals to work with that can clear this chakra. Like blue lace agate, blue kyanite, and chrysocolla. Find a location where you can devote quiet time and create a sacred space for yourself. Place the crystal on your throat chakra and breathe in the crystal’s energy, helping it to open and clear your chakra.  Make sure you are communicating from a place of love and compassion that exists within to ensure your delivery is clear and centered. 

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and to help you maintain an open Throat Chakra. Affirmation: I meditate with ease and grace and my heart awakens to the divine peace of my soul.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Card: Angels and Masters
Located at the brow between the eyes, the Third Eye Chakra relates to the ability to see clearly both physically and intuitively. This chakra opens our psychic abilities and enables us to see the truth in all situations. It enhances our intuition, imagination, visualization, and insight. When the third eye is open and in balance, our intuition deepens, our awareness expands, and our dreams can bring us messages that unveil hidden truths. It also plays an instrumental role in helping us remember things a lot more easily and our mind can bathe in calm energy and peace.  A clear and balanced Third Eye also extends the opportunity to see visions of the spirit world, and it awakens one’s psychic gifts. Through the Third Eye we can envisage the world with greater clarity and perceive it from a place of spiritual truth. 

Drawing a card from the Soul Star Chakra in this position brings strong messages that require you to look even deeper in thought so you can receive your messages more clearly.  Hence, recognizing that your Angels and Ascended Masters are with you at this time this is very important because you are being asked to take action and remove whatever it is that is cluttering and creating illusions that are stopping you from seeing the truth. When you can successfully let go of what longer serves you it will be easier to find a place of clarity where your luminous light can shine brightly and the answers you seek will come.  Your guides are also letting you know that you are not alone and they are doing everything in their power to assist you from the spirit world.

Ascended Masters are souls that resonate on a higher vibrational plane of existence and they hold within them the divine power, love and wisdom of the Universe. You also have Arch Angels around you and these angels are powerful light beings that are here to guide you and assist you in your life right now.  Learn from these angels by taking a little more time out from your everyday world and go within to connect to these beautiful loving guides who have an abundance of love and wisdom to share with you. Know and trust that they too have your back and you have nothing to worry about. 

As you learn more about the effect each chakra plays in your healing journey you are asked to hand over any stress or concerns to your angels and ascended masters for transmutation.  By engaging in this exchange your heart and mind can be returned to you with love and healing. The sooner you can commit time and energy to unblocking, clearing, cleansing and balancing your chakras the sooner they will be working at their fullest potential and you will feel the benefits in the most profound ways.

An effective way to cleanse and balance the Third Eye Chakra is to work with great crystals like an Amethyst. Place the amethyst crystal on your third eye point and breathe in energy to help activate and awaken your chakra and third eye will open. When this chakra is open you will receive a lot more clarity in seeing what cannot be seen by the naked eye. When you can clear up confusion you will better understand how to manage stressful situations in your life.  Have faith and trust in your ability to feel your intuition deepening and allow your consciousness to expand.  These are the messages being offered so you can find confidence in connecting with your psychic gifts and awareness with ease and grace.

 Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and to help you maintain an open 3rd Eye chakra. Affirmation: Angels and masters guide my way with love, truth and integrity.  

CROWN CHAKRA – Card: Balance 

The 7th position in this card reading pertains to the Crown Chakra and the card you have pulled reflects the healing energy that needs attention in the Root Chakra. When there is an imbalance in the luminous light field of your body it is felt and it can affect why you are not having a deep sense of inner peace. Which is why it is important to have a greater understanding of how to correct these imbalances. So in an effort to heal we start with the Root Chakra and work our way to the very top of our head where the Crown Chakra is located.  This 7th chakra is also where you will experience clarity, bliss and a connectedness to higher realms, worlds and dimensions when it is open and balanced. 

The Crown Chakra is aligned to our spiritual virtues whereby we attain pure union with our “I am” presence and God source – and it can connect us to the higher realms, worlds and dimensions. When it is balanced we are also able to manifest a union with our higher self and the light of the Universe and/or our Creator. When the Root Chakra appears in the 7th position of the chakra system it is responding to the “free will” attitudes of grounding.  Sometimes it is important for spirit guides to question if we are grounding too seriously with harmful preconceived notions that can block our energy fields from remaining open. In this case, you are being reminded to take a deep breath, turn inward and take a deeper introspective view of what might be causing imbalances within your luminous light body.

If you agree that you may be getting too seriously grounded in fear-based feelings that are causing instability, anxiety and/or insecurities you must let go and surrender to a higher force for guidance. The Universe is reminding you that you do have the ability to affect change by letting go of what does not serve you. Focus on balancing your energies by not placing too much energy on that “one” something that may be shifting your ability to balance the light in your luminous body because you are overthinking and this is interfering with the healing process. 

And, choosing to ignore something that causes you to feel stuck believing it will correct itself is also not recommended. Denial is not the same thing as letting go. Letting go is about connecting with Universal Life Force energy to accompany your desire to heal.  Let go – let God – you heard this before?  Learn how to effectively surrender all associated negative patterns of disbelief in your ability to heal and remind yourself to ask the Universe, your spirit guides, Ascendant Masters, Arch Angels and great ancestors for their hand in guiding your healing journey.

In these readings your messages have revealed that you are not alone. Keep this mind and call upon the energy of the great wisdom that is available to you to help create a natural flow of balance in your luminous light body. Just remember, your wisdom and knowledge sits in the Crown Chakra where the God source is a place of timeless, spaceless, all-knowing, all-loving connectedness. Let go-let God-have faith, entertain no fear, ask for guidance, and always be loving to yourself and the world. 

Stop pushing or trying too hard is the last message. Take full advantage of this time in your life to create a greater union with your Creator and embrace the light of the Universe with an open mind and heart.  When you truly surrender and allow balance to bless your life your luminous light body will shine and it will wash away anything blocking your ability to live a more harmonious and enjoyable life.  Believe in YOU – just like your spirit guides and the Universe do.

Lastly, I offer this affirmation to help feed your mind/body/soul and to help you maintain an open Crown chakra. Affirmation: I am balanced in all aspects of my life.