Seven Card Chakra Alignment Reading
September 8, 2024
Hello Renae,
Thank you for reaching out to me and allowing me to service you with a 7 Card Chakra Alignment Reading. In this reading you will find that each chakra is accompanied with a message from one corresponding chakra. Because your reading revealed 2 corresponding chakras pertain to a particular chakra, I encourage you to read these more carefully as they are intended to help clear, cleanse or balance stuck energy. For example: You have 2-Soul Star and 2-Third Eye messages. It is my belief that because these are the 2 top chakra zones you should take notice and apply more attention to the corresponding chakras. In our chakra alignment, since the Crown and the 3rd eye are directly situated next to each other, this reading tells me you have the ability to be more openly connected to the 5th dimension, the spirit world and that you should be aware of your abilities as a “seer and/or lightworker” yourself. I have gathered the messages and applied my mediumship to decipher each card. Hopefully you will find the reading a useful healing tool. f you have any questions let me know. If you would like to leave me a testimony let me know. Namaste~Goldie
Position 1 – ROOT CHAKRA
Messages from the solar plexus / #14 inner strength
The number one position in your card reading today brings messages from the solar plexus. This card appears in the Base/Root chakra position and this is the main power center that represents free will. Having drawn this card in the grounding position is a reminder of your personal power, your confidence, your courage, and your strength. Now is the time to get inspired to maintain your ability to express freely and shine light on the world. Hold tight to your strength and determination to support our goals, dreams and desires. Align your powers so they are in tune with self mastery and your personal commitments. Hold deeply to the thought that you must maintain an honest respect for yourself and others. This requires not just believing but knowing that you are worthy of good and can express joy into your life and out into the world. This is a must!
This card is a reminder that now is the time to call on your inner strength. You have the ability to deal with anything in your life. Keep in mind that we are all a part of the Universe which has magnificent power, and energy available to us at all times. You are invited to connect to, acknowledge and call upon the incredible strength that lies within you. Life may be challenging for you right now, and you are being reminded that you have the tools and ability to conquer anything that comes your way, whether it is emotional, physical, mental, or a spiritual challenge, knowing that you have the strength to move through it and come out on the other end empowered. You are strong enough and courageous enough to move through this difficult time and are reminded that you must learn some powerful life lessons.
The Universe is always giving you opportunities to build in strength. It is up to you to take on the challenge and rise from the ashes. Though you may be required to look at your situation from a different point of view —you need to be willing to let go of some old beliefs that are weakening your inner strength. Whatever it is you’re being guided to do you must listen and put it into action. You have the courage of a lion and it is time to roar and embrace this part of you in its totality.
Affirmation: “ I have the strength to face all of Life‘s challenges with grace. ”
Position 2 – SACRAL CHAKRA
Messages from the soul star to the sacral chakra / #35 Soul Healing
This chakra represents connections and relationships to our loved ones and the need to be loved and accepted. The key to healthy relationships is how we express ourselves and we are reminded of embracing creativity and passion. This energy is aligned to our appetite, addictions, and karmic patching when it is in balance, it sparks a deep passion that lies within us so that we can channel energy into new ideas and creative projects. It connects us to our sensuality and balance. It allows us to experience healthy sexual relationships when it is clear and aligned, we can experience acceptance and gratitude for ourselves, our families, and all that Life has to offer.
The soul healing card brings messages about the current undergoing healing process. This process can be identified as an awakening that can stir up and create change in your life. What is required to benefit from these changes is respect the need to explore a higher state of awareness. The kind that can offer you- at the present – acceptance of this undergoing that takes you through a passage where it is revealed that the things that are not working out in your life are being reviewed. Understand that this chaos is a positive thing. It is what is required at this time. Note: you have 2 Soul Star messages in this reading.
Be mindful of the chaos created by this divine order because you are being asked to trust to listen and to take action and apply loving guidance from your soul to your journey. Your soul holds the medicine for you to heal and knows what is best for you.
This is a time of deep cleansing and you are encouraged to let go of the old as you make way for the new. Remember that healing allows for healing on all levels of being emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental so a complete cleansing on all levels aspects and states of being you must be very gentle and you must also be kind to yourself as you transit through this very powerful and important time.
Take time to nurture yourself through this process, giving yourself lots of love and care. Consider this message a reminder to listen to all the messages you are receiving. Your body and soul are offering you messages and you must follow through on this guidance and amazing awakening that is happening for you right now. Soon you will reap the rewards and in time will benefit from the process you are currently undergoing. Allow this time to be a powerful injection and positive light from your soul that is meant for you to heal deeply.
Affirmation: “ I am open to receive deep soul healing and embrace the support of pure love to guide my healing journey.”
Messages from the 3rd Eye / #25 Clarity
This third position is about the solar plexus, and in this reading you are presented with messages from the third eye chakra that pertain to the ability to see more clearly both physically and intuitively. Knowing that the solar plexus is where you draw from our main power center you are reminded that as you draw energy for your personal power you must remember to do so with the ability to see what normally one cannot see. This is about clarity.
You have attracted this card into your awareness today because clarity is upon you. The ability to experience clarity is connected to the third eye chakra and the more this chakra opens and is activated the more clarity you will receive. It is time to see things clearly to receive the answers you have been searching for. When our third eye chakra is blocked it can affect our perception of the situation in our lives.
You are being encouraged at this time to cleanse and work on strengthening your third eye chakra so it can work to its full potential. There are some great meditations you can do to activate the third eye and a great crystal to assist with this is Amethyst. Place the amethyst crystal on your third eye point and breathe in energy to help activate and awaken your chakra and your third eye will open. You will receive a lot more clarity in your life when it is in balance. This balance comes when we understand and can clear the confusion around stressful situations in our lives. NOTE: you have 2-3rd Eye messages in this reading.
Think about what is in your life that requires clearing. The time is now for you to affect action and create some clearing. Clutter in our minds can create illusions that stop us from seeing the truth. It is time for you to let go of the thoughts that no longer serve you and come into a place of clarity.
Once you receive this clarity you will feel a deeper sense of self and well-being in your world. This card can also indicate that it is time to clarify a particular situation in your life. You may have asked a question and this card is reminding you that once you work on finding clarity, the answers will come.
Affirmation: “ I experience life with divine clarity .”
Messages from the Root Chakra / #6 Balance
The fourth position in this card reading pertains to the heart and the card you have pulled is number six -a root chakra card – Balance. What impresses me the most about the messages in this card is knowing that an imbalance in the heart chakra is the result of not being able to see the good in others. This is important because unless you have a deep sense of inner peace it can be challenging to let go of past hurts, you can struggle with not being able to forgive yourself and others. When your heart is in balance like the card you drew reflects— it is easier to experience a deeper level of intimacy in your life. It is through the heart chakra that we are able to experience deep gratitude for
life and to express our joy and happiness freely. This is where we hold and nurture the inner child, and we learn to live in compassion and with acceptance. When our heart chakra is open it is easier to make decisions from a place of divine wisdom and feel safe to express love in a healthy way. This flow of energy allows us to communicate more freely in a more loving space where we can find ourselves with less judgment and attachment. And, it is through balance that this can be achieved.
But how do you get there if you struggle by being grounded too seriously in false ideals? Or better yet—if your “self” is set too deeply into the ground where you cannot feel the area in your life that needs attention. This card you have called into your awareness as an indication that balance is required. Somewhere in your life mastering balance is certainly a work in progress and the powerful master key to a more harmonious and enjoyable life.
We live in a physical world of polarity day and night, hot and cold, and the forces of nature are constantly working towards a state of balance in everything by living a life of balance. This is the ultimate goal when you can walk your path with no judgment and realize that everything has an opposite life, becomes less stressful and flows with ease and grace.
If you have been feeling out of whack in life, take a moment to see what is out of balance. What have you been putting too much energy into or over focusing on? Or, what might be requiring a little more attention? If you have been putting too much energy and effort into something, give thought to the importance of this being the cause of why you may be feeling stuck. Now is the time to let go and allow the natural flow of balance to take place. If you have been ignoring something and not giving it the attention it requires, then perhaps now is the time to give it some love, care and focus. This could be thoughts in your head, relationships, work, family, or a new project you are working on. Once you find where the balance is required, take action and positive steps to allow the natural flow to occur. There is an old saying that too much of a good thing is not always. The best medicine is the key. It is time to let go and stop pushing or trying too hard – Surrender and allow balance to bless your life.
Affirmation: “ I am balanced in all aspects of my life.”
Messages from the 3rd Eye / #28 Visualization
As you know, the throat chakra holds the key to speaking one’s higher or divine truth, clearly with ease and grace. It reflects our need to communicate with others and be received and understood as we express ourselves in the world. This chakra awakens our ability to express our creativity and to be seen by others as the true shining light that we are. When the throat chakra is healthy and in balance, we are able to express our truth clearly, listen to others effectively and maintain our own truth. It is through the throat that we learn to express our soul’s purpose, and find our powerful voice.
This 3rd Eye message questions if you are paying attention to your dreams. After you awaken, take some time to make notice of the visions in your dreams. Visualization is a tool for manifesting your desires and dreams and the powerful way for you to receive visions and messages from the spirit world. When we visualize we activate the third eye chakra and yours is currently expanding and awakening. You are encouraged to practice exercises that enhance this process, such as meditation and breathwork, the color of the third eye chakra is violet so you may like to imagine this color streaming into your third eye as it expands and awakens to its full potential prior to going to sleep. This process could invite strong visions and deep wisdom. Trust what is coming through for you.
You will also deepen your intuition and psychic abilities as this third eye awakens. You are receiving strong signs and messages from your guides from the spirit world. It is important that you slow down for a moment and go within to see what you are being shown. You could also be receiving signs from the earthly world and are encouraged to pay more attention to the visions around you. This card could also represent that you are in a phase of creating and be asked to visualize strongly what you would like to manifest in your world. NOTE: you have 2-3rd Eye messages in this reading that reveals this is a very exciting time. Turn into your heart and bring forth the ideas and visions that are appearing to assist you on the next phase of your journey.
Affirmation: “ My third eye is open and I have profound visions.”
Messages from the Soul Star Chakra / #36 Divine Wisdom
The third eye chakra is important because it is related to the ability to see clearly both physically and intuitively. This chakra opens our psychic abilities and enables us to see the truth in all situations. It enhances our intuition, imagination, visualization, and insight. When the third eye is open and in balance, our intuition deepens, our awareness expands, and our dreams can bring us messages that unveil hidden truths. We can remember things a lot more easily and our minds can become calm and at peace we may even see visions of the spirit, world and experience and awakening of our psychic gifts. It is through the third eye that we visage the world with greater clarity and perceive it from a place of spiritual truth.
In this position, the message comes from the soul star chakra and this is our connection between the spiritual and physical, heaven and earth, and bridges, the light of the soul into the physical body. This chakra is where the soul or the spirit enters in the third dimension, which is the physical reality of conscious being. It is through the soul star chakra that we can connect to the divine wisdom of the universe and open up to the spirit, realms and universal love and light. This zone is our connection to angelic beings where messages are sent to masters who reside in the higher planes of existence. When our soul star is open and in balance, we receive pure and high vibrational divine love from the Universe. We are able to connect strongly with guidance from the angelic realms, ascendant Masters, and light beings that are there to support and guide our journey. Deep soul healing occurs when this chakra is open and we experience a sense of inner peace and this allows us to connect more easily with the Universe and all that it is.
This card is a reminder that the divine wisdom of the Universe is available to you at all times. You are deeply connected to an expression of the divine light of the Universe, and this divine light has with it, the powerful knowledge and wisdom of the cosmos. This light is all knowing it is wise and all loving intelligent light. You are reminded at this time that wisdom is at your fingertips and that you are made up of this wisdom and that it runs through your blood. You can access it at will.
If you have been searching for answers and guides since from sources outside of yourself, it’s now time to look inward. It is time to tune in to connect to and become aware of the divine wisdom that lies within. Trust the calling and awaken this aspect of your life, as you start to also trust the wisdom that comes to you. Take a moment in a quiet place, ask your questions and listen to the voice inside your heart, offering you the answers and seeing the song of divine wisdom. The answers live within the chambers of your own heart.
Sometimes it can be challenging by passing those crazy thoughts in your head in order to get it. Your heart however once you get that feeling in your body Is just right you will know you are there. Then it is a matter of trusting the process, and, as you grow stronger, to use it just like a muscle. It is your time to flex your heart, and listen to the Divine wisdom it has to offer. It pulsates to every cell of your being, ready and waiting for you to awaken to its calling.
Affirmation: “ I am aligned to the divine wisdom of the universe, and it flows through me in abundance.”
Messages from the Throat Chakra / #21 Communication
Once again, you are reminded that it is the throat chakra that holds the key to speaking one’s higher or divine truth, clearly with ease and grace. This is your reminder to consider the value of being able to communicate with others and be received and understood, because you have the ability to express your creativity and to be seen by others for you are a true shining light. Don’t forget that it is
through the throat that one must learn to express their soul’s purpose. After all, the ability to communicate effectively is within the mastery of exercising your powerful voice.
Sure, you might find it is easy to hold back some or maybe even all your words in order to prevent hurting someone’s feelings. Perhaps you fear rejection and/or are desiring to avoid the possibility of creating some form of conflict. But it is always best to share your thoughts and feelings honestly with those around you to create and build long lasting healthy relationships. Just be mindful because when you doubt, hinder or manipulate the flow in communication, this interference blocks the throat chakra and creates a world of suppression and confusion. Holding onto the unexpressed thoughts and feelings can lead to pain, confusion, and unhealthy patterns. Take a moment to see if there is anyone in your life you are not communicating effectively with due to fear, rejection, and maybe even on wanted conflict.
This card is a reminder that you are being encouraged at this time to speak up and share your feelings. Communication can also mean writing your feelings down on paper, which is also a good tool to use. Do what is required to act on your communication. You may even like to try some healing and clearing processes on your throat chakra. A few great crystals to work with to clear this chakra, blue lace agate, blue kyanite, and chrysocolla. Take some time and space for yourself, place the crystal on your throat chakra and breathe in the crystal’s energy, helping it to open and clear. Make sure you are communicating for my place of love and compassion and that your delivery is clear and centered.
Reminder – Communication is also about listening. Make sure that, as you communicate, you also listen with an open heart and without judgment. As you trust, you will feel a huge weight off your shoulders and a natural healing will occur. You will feel a deeper connection with yourself and those around you.
Affirmation, “ I communicate in all ways with ease and grace.”