Sandra Thorton
Guidance Chakra Card Reading
October 22, 2024
Hello Sandy,
As your reader, I have taken the liberty to use my mediumship to prepare messages for you as I sat with spirit to connect your guide with me for this reading. I did this because you were very kind to work with me and help me with my website so I wanted to reach out and thank you for your time and kindness.
My intention was to receive messages for you that you could apply to your healing journey. Hopefully you will find the messages contained within this reading will serve you well. If you have any questions let me know.
MESSAGES FOR SANDY from the Earth Star Chakra #1 Mother Earth Card
The messages contained within this reading come from the Earth Star chakra located approximately six inches below the feet and it aligns us with the beautiful heart of the earth. This chakra anchors our light and soul deeply into the planet, allowing us to feel supported, grounded and held on our journey. When the Earth Star Chakra is balanced you are able to connect completely in harmony with nature, the trees, animals, plants and all the other amazing energies that live upon the earth. When we ask for guidance, we can learn from the spirit world where attention needs to be given for our luminous light body to function at its optimum capacity. When I asked the question for YOU “what messages can be offered to Sandy for her healing journey” this was the answer I received: You need to spend more time in Nature.
As you may very well agree, it is true that life can be quite fast-paced and busy, and this scattering of energy can cause large amounts of stress and challenges. If this is your current situation, Mother Earth is calling you back to the womb, back to your core and centre. She wants to help you heal and reconnect you to the flow of nature, where everything is in a constant stage of harmony and balance. Your message is to practice more in grounding exercises that can help clear away unsettling and disconnected feelings from your mind/body/soul.
Imagine the benefit of giving yourself time to stop every now and then to feel the earth under your feet. Are you talking to your plants when working in the garden, or stopping long enough to sit still in silence and do some deep breathing exercises to ground you to Mother Earth? If so great! But if you are not doing this enough then perhaps more time needs to be set aside in order for you to feel the true benefit of opening, clearing and cleansing your base chakra which is called the Root Chakra.
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and it represents our primary needs as human beings. When our Root Chakra is healthy it is much easier to trust ourselves and the flow of life. This chakra also represents our material needs, our prosperity and financial flow. This chakra permits us to establish healthy boundaries and to set life choices that enhance our wellbeing on all levels. When an Earth Star chakra appears in a reading it is a reminder that the earth is a living breathing being, and Mother Earth is constantly offering an abundance of healing energies for you to connect to at any time.
Another important message for you is to remember is knowing that while we exist here on planet earth Mother Gaia is our mother. She is the one that nurtures, feeds, supports, grounds and protects us at all times. By connecting deeply with her you will be open to receive her powerful qualities and this process will help strengthen your own. When you permit her to reach out to you it will become clear that the earth supports every single step you take in life and Mother Earth is always there to catch you when you fall. So be honest with yourself. Are you open to receive blessings from the divine Mother Earth? If so, you are being encouraged to take a moment in nature and tune into her heartbeat so you can feel the love that she has to offer.
Yes, she is here for you and if you allow her energy to fill you up, she will refresh your mind and wash away any fears or stress you have been holding on to at this time. Another very important message is about whether you have been working on releasing/letting go of healing issues pertaining to your own mother or perhaps yourself as a mother. The time for healing is here and it is now time to open your heart and receive the love of the earth.
My recommendation (as your reader) is to apply these messages to your healing journey so your luminous light body can heal. Take time to wrap your roots and your energy around the heart of this beautiful planet. Sit in nature and Imagine yourself breathing the light of your Earth Star Chakra all the way back up through your roots. The light can be white or red and you will want to feel it move through your feet and into your body. Take a few deep breaths and inhale this energy into your heart. Allow the light to fill your heart and then send this energy throughout your whole body. Keep imagining the light slowly passing through your body and cleansing each and every cell, bringing you back to your optimal health. As you align yourself deeply to the earth, focus on activating your Earth Star Chakra. The goal is to stay grounded to Mother Earth so you can feel safe and live a life of abundance.
If you feel a calling to recite affirmations, you might like this one:
“I am deeply connected to the heart of the earth and I feel love and supported in my life.”